Monday, November 8, 2010

Another Loss

Dreams my come true, but not for me so it seems. . .

Brian and I did IVF this round. We began Lupron injections on Sept 23 to stop my body from releasing any eggs it may produce. I began my Gonal F and low dose HCG injections on Oct 1. After poking my belly 4 times a day for 10 days, itwas finally time to do my trigger shots on Monday October 11th. We went in on Wednesday October 13th for our egg retrieval which resulted in 14 eggs being removed. That was also the day I began Progesterone shots (not fun).

The lab used a procedure called ICSI, where they took the donor sperm and injected one into each egg. Of the 14, 12 fertilized. The lab called on day 2 stating that nine of the 12 fertilized eggs were dividing, however they were all fractured. It looked best if we did a day 3 transfer.

So Saturday October 16, 2010, Brian, and I head to the dr office to have 2 embryos transfered. It was Sweetest Day.

Now begins the dreaded 2WW (week wait). . . it was the longest 2 weeks of my life! The Lab called on Tuesday 10/19 to tell me none of the remaining embryos were of a good enough quality to be cryo preserved. . . We went in for testing on Friday October 29. My beta number was 7.5. . . yes implantation occured, but that number is way too low, it should be around 100 at that point. So another appointment was made for Monday morning.

Monday I just know it's bad. . . and I was right. My beta dropped to a 2.5, and anything under 5 is negative. . . as of Thursday November 4th we have another 2 angels in Heaven watching over and waiting for us.

We are praying about what to do next. I would like to try one more time, Brian says he can't take another loss. . . so please keep us in your prayers. We won't be making any final decisions until after the holidays.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Angel in Heaven

We got the results back on that Monday, and the numbers were going down. We lost Baby J. on September 1. He or she was with us for 4w 4d.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Big Day!

On Saturday, August 14th at 9:15 am Brian and I went to Dr. Burwinkel's office in the Kettering Medical Center. We had a brief discussion about what's going to happen, then we under went the proceedure. We chose to do IUI. So the dr did his thing and told us to hang out for the next 6 minutes. . .

We were so excited. So hopeful. I kept saying, "I'm pregnant until proven otherwise!!"

We went back on Friday August 20th for a blood draw to check my progesterone levels. They were low, so the dr called in a prescription that I began taking on Saturday the 21st.

The 2 week wait were the longest 2 weeks of my life! Finally the day arrived to go in for the bolld test to find out if it all worked. Now that was the most torturous day ever! We were at the dr by 9:30 for the blood draw. I had tested at home and it came up negative, so we were expecting bad news.

It seemd like it took forever for the nurse to call with my results. Finally about 3:45 in the afternoon, she called and said, "We've got a positive!!!" I could hear the "but" in her voice, and here it came. . . She said my numbers (beta 10.5 and progesterone 9) are very very low. I have to go back in on Monday, August 31 at 9:15 am for a new blood draw. They told me my numbers should double daily for a viable pregnancy, so we're looking for a beta of at least 82.

So I'm taking it easy this weekend, and praying that the baby holds in there tight! This JUST HAS to be it!! It's the perfect timing! Baby "J" would be due May 7, 2011. One day before Grandpa Purkey's birthday. Could there be a better sign?!?